Wednesday 14 November 2012

The Production Plan

Publication Plan
Title: Trend

Positioning statement: Undecided

Frequency of publication: Monthly

Price: £2.00

Distribution: Supermarkets, News Agents, Gigs, Festivals

Rationale: The approach is from an informal perspective, very opinionated and from the reader’s perspective as it will be very interactive with the readers and online. It will focus on what music is in trend right now as well as possible future trends and all things music.

Style: Informal and chatty style, very opinionated on music, bands, songs and albums in reviews and not afraid to slate a band or track when needed. Humorous and interactive with the reader, but can have serious articles when necessary.
Regular Content:
  • ·         Track/Album Reviews
  • ·         Interviews with artists
  • ·         Ask An Artist
  • ·         Hot or Not?
  • ·         Ones To Watch
  • ·         Posters
  • ·         Competitions
  • ·         Gossip
  • ·         Several Top 10’s
  • ·         The Month In Pictures
  • ·         Magazine Forum (Online)
Feature Content:
  • ·         Best Recent Gigs
  • ·         Gig Guide
  • ·         Upcoming Albums Or Tracks
  • ·         Popular Viral Videos
  • ·         Festival News
  • ·         Advertisements
  • ·         Free CD’s
  • ·         Fan’s Reports On Gigs And Festivals
  • ·         Bad Music Experiences
House Style:
·         Masthead –Undecided
·         Main Cover Lines - Undecided
·         Feature Articles – Drop Capital
·         Features First Paragraph - Undecided
·         Features Stand First Paragraph - Undecided

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